Some people really are Still Dreaming
And I'm one of them
Ton of stems and roots I'm trying to ground
Sprinkle water on
So I can have the Tree I believe in
I'm still dreaming
Of the day when I don't overanalyze
Just realize it's gonna be what it is
But what it is, is always less than what I want
Because I'm still dreaming of ultimate happiness
Wondering if it really exists
Or just exists in storybooks
Overlooked by the reality of true life
But I'm Still Dreaming
Day and night
About my knight in shining armor that will let me relax
While he does it all
Or half, shit I'll take it
Work with it
Own it
Make it mine
We can both shine in this dream
Beam the good vibes from the both of us
Like Captain Planet
Make a better world for us
In God we Trust
But I'm Still Dreaming
Even though my leaves get worn down
Fall off
The spring always sings a new light
That bright green refreshes the part of me that gets
Rusted by the cold winter of people's hearts and intentions
Withered by trying with no results or resolutions
But I'm Still Dreaming
Seems like I should sleep more, huh?
Get it right
My true sight is blinded by fears
Some predated, some more created
But my dreams come with such sincerity and clarity
That it's making me think Nyquil may be the quick fix
Sick or not
Not to hide from reality
But it does bite right now
Not much left of the apple I shared
Insides getting brown
Chewed up by some unassuming souls
That thought the shiny red exterior
Was the total picture
But wait...there's more!!
Because I'm still dreaming
Never stopped
Never clocked in or out
Because I'm ever evolving
To have exactly what I want
Got more than a few grains of sand left
In my life-glass
To make my dream last forever
Just gotta get it together
Whenever I dream, the hope shines so bright
Like rain that changes its mind
And lets the sun play just a little bit more
How nice.
The price is just not a penny for my thoughts…
I’ve brought my best visions to the table
Praying that someone will be able to get it
Get me
Get the dream of course
That’s all I talk about right?
But I can’t let it go
The path I have mapped out is invaluable
Infallible for the right pair
We just both have to yearn to be “There”
It’s unfair for one to dream and the other to be in
A stagnant fragment of still space
Especially when I see so much potential
So I keep dreaming
Of complete congruence
Without outside influence
Opinions on stuff they know nothing about
Trying to convince that another branch is the way
It’s okay to be the only ones standing
Someone has to start
Put their hand out
And build up the ones around them
Blaze a trail that leads to more than
Tripping before the finish line is in sight
Starting yet another race with a DQ
It’s true that some people really are content
With inaction
But not even a fraction of me can sit still
And let bliss skip by on its merry way
That’s why EVERY DAY I’m still …
I had some people in my life that tried to stop my dream
Not having it
Tried to gleam in the falsehood of smoke and mirrors
I’m not laughing
I love Langston but this will NOT be a dream deferred
I overheard a little birdie saying this is MY time
Our time
The right time to not look back
Rejoice over the lessons learned and move the hell on
And on and on
My cipher keeps moving not by the beats of others
But by my own internal metronome
Ticking tockin' til ya don’t stop
Pop locking my way to "betterness"
My past was a mess
As abstract as Vincent
And since then it’s been back to stick figures
I figured out it’s easier to keep it simple
And if you can’t get with that
You know what to do
Don’t wake me Chris said
Don’t try to break me down to keep me in your nightmare
Shaking me isn’t going to change anything
I don’t care WHAT you do
I just took an Ambien and I’m only in my first hour of rest
Do your worst
Hell, do your best
But final hour tap dancing will never work for me
Took me too long to hang the picture on the wall just right
So I’ll be damned if anyone ties a rope around my cloud nine
It’s not moving
In fact it’s stuck on trust, faith and a little bit of luck
Glued in the sky by sweet honey memories
And more to come…
So like Annie I sure did
Bet my bottom dollar
Put my last quarter in the slot
Spent my complete life savings on that horse
Of course (of course) I did
All for my eternal craving
Of just one final blink of shut eye
Hoping that it won’t deny me
Any piece of my vision
So I’m living for the day where
My Rapid Eve Movement pays off
Due to progress and improvement of my
Neverending dream
Working towards the moment where it seems
I was awake the whole time
But until then I’m still…